
Every Resident Should Have A Vote

The 2015 ‘Dream Finders’ perpetual Use Agreement has cost us millions. That agreement was never voted on by you or me, or anyone who lived here at the time, and currently pays the privately owned golf course nearly $450,000 per year for 6 months use of the public swimming pool and access to the tennis courts.

The state of Florida requires such contracts to be approved by 75% of the residents and despite years of asking, our Board has never put the agreement out for a vote.

Do you believe every resident should have a vote in how their money is spent? I do. That’s why I’m running for the Board.

Residents Deserve Fiscal Responsibility
And now, our ‘Reserves’: This fund for capital asset repairs and replacement are underfunded by some $4,800,000. This was discovered when the Strategic Plan, commissioned by our Board of Directors, revealed assets previously excluded from the study…by the Board. The annual contribution should be $900,000 in 2024. Our Board only put away $400,000 for 2024 making the $4,800,000 underfunded position even worse.

All homeowners associations need reserves. If we defer saving for the repairs to our community we know are coming, we risk higher costs and special assessments.

I am running for the Board to see that the Use Agreement, and any changes to it, be approved by a community-wide vote, and see that we adequately fund the reserves as outlined in the Strategic Planning Commission Final Report of 2022.

Ann, I Want to Help!

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Ann’s Application

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