Amount Paid as of 3/16/2024 – $11,913.00
Dear Magnolia Point Neighbor,
In an attempt to ensure freedom of choice and a reasonable sense of accountability, a group of neighbors has taken legal action. Our demand is to have the current Developer contract, the ‘Club Use Agreement’, declared invalid by a court of law, and for the MPCA Board of Directors to follow the provisions of our covenants and Florida state statutes by requiring the prescribed vote of the members of the MPCA on any such agreement they propose in its place. The current agreement is $450,000.00 per year (1/3 of our budget) and the Developer was the sole vote in the approval process. There have been a considerable number of breaches of the current contract by MPI, acknowledged by our Board, and largely ignored.
Several of our neighbors have made significant contributions and we hopeful that you will consider a donation to The Magnolia Residents Legal Fund as well. Your neighbors have helped us cover expenses thus far; donations have ranged from $50.00 to $3,000.00. Any amount will help with achieving a fair outcome for all. We’re committed that nothing will deter our efforts of ensuring the “people”, all the people, have a voice. Any and all unused funds will be retained in a legal defense fund for future use. The confidentiality of your contribution to the not-for-profit Magnolia Residents, Inc. for this effort is protected by the First Amendment right to privacy, and that is our policy. If you are interested in helping with a financial contribution, you may do so by the following means:
To donate by check, make payable to Magnolia Residents, Inc. Send to: Joe Chao, 3468 Olympic Drive, GCS, 32043. Or call him at 904-945-6529 and he’ll stop by.
Or, go to PayPal at: – QR Code below:
And thank you!
Bill Blackwell, Joe Chao, Bob Robey, Ann Sims, and Steve Witham