December 9, 2023 – In the Association’s NewsGram “2390/231204 MPCA-MPI USE AGREEMENT FOLLOW UP #1” emailed to residents on 12/5/2023, included was a document, “Board Communication Regarding the MPCA – MPI Use Agreement”. It states:
“5. Those who wish to make comparisons to other Associations and/or Golf Clubs, please show us your work. A member did just that at the November meeting, illustrating the per square foot value of homes sold in Magnolia Point is 10% higher than homes at Orange Park Golf & Country Club (now closed) and the Ravines Golf & Country Club (now closed) — an average increase in Magnolia Point home values of $52,000.”
Nowhere is this member named, or his or her credentials offered for such an asssesment; nor is the ‘illustration’ all saw handed out to the members of the board at that meeting anywhere in evidence, not in the NewsGram, online, or in any other form that we know of.
So, for ‘comparisons’, ‘…please show us your work‘: A contrary view was already in the Board’s hands, for over a year. In its final report, ‘Magnolia Point Strategic Plan 2022 -2027’, the Board-created Strategic Planning Committee, made up of 11 distinguished residents of Magnolia Point, including two former Green Cove Springs Mayors and our present Board of Directors President, offered this about the impact of the golf club on home values here:
“A major issue facing the Board in their quest to protect home values is the golf course…Today the golf course is in the worse condition of the six or seven other golf courses in our geographical area, all of which are in developments similar to ours. There is no question the golf course impacts our property values. The question should be: is that impact positive or negative? The golf course currently is not a positive influence on home values and perceptions of the community…[the report goes on to cite specific examples of declining participation in various club golf events]”
‘Please show us your work’: Below is a video by Mr. Bob Robey, a retired CPA and Magnolia Point resident. His comprehensive report reviews each and every home sold in Magnolia Point, Orange Park GCC and the Ravines since 2006. The study is comprehensive and was compiled from public records. It was a painstaking task that required over thirty hours to complete: